
Vision Plan from Anthem

Why choose a vision plan?

Regular eye exams are part of detecting eye disease early, recommending treatment and preserving your vision. Vision exam services, glasses lenses and frames or contact lenses are included as part of the vision care benefit.

Download Vision Summary of Benefits

Vision Plan Highlights
Vision Exam Services
Benefits Frequency
Once Per Year
$10 Copay
Glasses Lenses (Single Vision/ Bifocal/ Trifocal/ Lenticular)
Benefits Frequency
Once Per Year
$10 Copay
Glasses Frames
Benefits Frequency
Once every two calendar years
Covered up to $150 then 20% off balance
Contact Lenses (Medically Necessary/ Elective Conventional/ Elective Disposable)
Benefits Frequency
Once Per Year
Covered 100%/ Covered up to $150, then 15% off balance/ Covered up to $150
The plan will not cover both glasses frames/ lenses and contact lenses in the same year.
You are responsible for the difference between the actual cost and what insurance pays.
Cost for Vision (Year-round Employees)
Employee Only$1.45$2.89
Employee + Spouse or Domestic Partner$2.54$5.07
Employee + Child(ren)$2.76$5.51
Cost for Vision (Seasonal AMI)
Employee Only$5.79
Employee + Spouse or Domestic Partner$10.14
Employee + Child(ren)$11.02
The rates paid are adjusted to account for off-season coverage


Vision Summary of Benefits
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Vision Certificate of Coverage
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Anthem Blue View Vision Customer Service

Phone: 1-866-723-0515